Changing Places Facilities
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We are pleased to announce that after a day trip to the rare breed auction in Carlisle, our Haystax family has grown again. This time, we want to welcome 6-month-old pygmy goat boys.
After a lot of debating on names, we asked our Social media followers to help name them, and very helpful they were helpful indeed. We had so many suggested names we had to have a poll as to what were the most popular names. So let us introduce you to, Nibbles, Billy, Snowy, Socks, Gruff, and Mischief.
They have now moved outdoors (with shelters) and are loving their new freedom. They are getting used to us and are loving being hand-fed their treats and getting lots of tickles.
We can’t wait to open our doors for you all to meet these little characters.
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We had a truly amazing day today! Thanks to everyone who popped in f... Full story
We are officially open! Woohoo!... Full story