Changing Places Facilities
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
With the family all back in their full-time jobs and family life…it was a mammoth mission for Dad and Lorna to get the planning permission in place, with so many hoops to jump through, boxes to tick, and countless sleepless nights (not for Dad… he can sleep anywhere) it was a massive achievement. After months of extremely hard work with the planning consultants, architects and even archaeologists whose job it is to ensure we don’t disturb historical remains beneath the site, we were armed with pages of incredibly detailed plans not only for the buildings but also for the landscape of the site so we could ensure that we made a positive contribution to the area. These were submitted to the council ready for a decision to be made in September 2020.
While the project received a few objections from nervous residents, we were overwhelmed with the amount of support we received from the local community. The response absolutely blew us away. We have always loved the idea behind Haystax and knew it had so much potential and it meant the world to us that you agreed.
Read a featured story at chroniclelive.co.uk.
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We had a truly amazing day today! Thanks to everyone who popped in f... Full story
We are officially open! Woohoo!... Full story