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The Initial Idea

The Initial Idea View larger image

Hi all… as this is a new venture for all the family, we are going to try and document our journey: its ups/downs, momentous occasions and unfortunate setbacks, to enable you to be part of it, and to look back on in years to come… so here is how our Haystax journey began…

The initial idea for Haystax began as a pie in the sky idea dreamed up one lazy Sunday afternoon after one of Lorna’s epic Sunday lunches. We had all seen how much of a positive impact being on the farm and around the animals have had on Shayne, who has complex needs. Being a family with a mix of farmers and educators, one of us said “wouldn’t it be amazing if we could open some type of business that would allow us to use our experience to give others the same opportunities”. We then went on with our busy lives and thought nothing more of it.

Well, that was until Lorna’s mind got a whirling and started to see our pipe dream as something that could not only be possible but also a great way to ensure the farm lived on through future generations of the family. Leaving a lasting legacy. Dad and Lorna then turned their seemingly endless amounts of energy and determination to turn that dream into a reality and without them, none of this would have been possible! Who wants a nice lazy retirement anyhow!

Posted by Dawn
on 18 Mar 2020

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