Changing Places Facilities
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
Tree planting season is back! Another year and another 3500 trees to plant. We have had lots more helpers this year and we can’t thank them enough. Including the Rotary Club which planted a big hedgerow surrounding the Woodland Retreat field and named it ‘Rotary Way’ we thank them very much for all their help. As well as the super team from Learning for Life, planting trees in record time, they have their own Plantation this year that looks incredible. As well as our amazing team of friends and family, they all came out in force whatever the weather… the site is looking so good.
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We had a truly amazing day today! Thanks to everyone who popped in f... Full story
We are officially open! Woohoo!... Full story