Changing Places Facilities
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
The Woodland is an amazing area and resource; however our woodland was created 40 years ago as a shelterbelt for the harsh winds whipping across the open fields, In order for us to utilise and develop it, there were and still are hours of work needed to be done up there. The first mission was to mark and get rid of the dead and dangerous trees. This was not helped by the number of storms we had of late so this job took a lot longer than first anticipated, however now it has made room for the new saplings to grow and gave us lots of new areas for us all to investigate and develop.
Haystax is proud to offer a Changing Places Facility to allow our visitors to use the facilities in comfort and with dignity. ... Full story
We had a truly amazing day today! Thanks to everyone who popped in f... Full story
We are officially open! Woohoo!... Full story